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Cleaning the Espresso Machine

BRU Coffee Roasters

Pouring a great cup of espresso is an art, but this will be difficult to achieve if you are working on a dirty machine. Cleaning isn't fun either, but it will definitely improve the taste of your cup. If you don't clean you can create a dirty after taste. Another reason is that the extraction won't be even.

So, here is the steps to clean your machine:

1. Clean your porta-filters by removing the filter basket.

2. Scrub the shower screen and flush.

3. Scrub the rubber seal on the group-head.

Do this at least once every 1-2 hours.

Do the following at least once a day.

1. Back-flush with cleaning detergent 5-8 times 8 seconds on, 8 seconds off. (take note that all our La Marzoccos have the backflush function programmed).

2. Rinse with 2 x clean shots.

3. Remove the shower screen and clean thoroughly to maintain even extraction.

Follow these pointers to clean your machine and set your shop apart from the rest. Bonus for us is you look after our rental equipment.

See the video below by Gwilym.

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